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Bread Oven And Delivery Bread Truck

Year: 2005 | State: LA


Project Details: The Benedictine monks of Saint Joseph Abbey have been baking their own bread daily and sharing it with those in need in Louisiana.  Their mission of service lead to the creation of a program called “Pennies for Bread and the Abbey”.  The Abbey provides 2000 loaves a week, 52 weeks per year distributed to the hungry through charitable organizations. Due to Hurricane Katrina, sources of support and funding became almost nonexistent. The Loya Foundation provided funding for the new oven for baking the bread and the replacement of a delivery van to be used for the distribution of the bread to New Orleans and Northshore charities and evacuee centers.

Nurse To New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina

Year: 2005 | State: LA

St. Peter Chanel High School - Van Project

Year: 2008 | State: OH

St. Peter Chanel High School - Student Aid

Year: 2008 | State: OH

Hattie Larlham; Rehabilitation Services For Developmentally Disabled

Year: 2011 | State: OH


Project Details: Donation for Hattie Larlham. Hattie Larlham is a nonprofit organization that provides care to 1,500 children and adults with developmental disabilities. 

Hattie Larlham; Rehabilitation Services For Developmentally Disabled

Year: 2012 | State: OH


Project Details: Donation for Hattie Larlham. Hattie Larlham is a nonprofit organization that provides care to 1,500 children and adults with developmental disabilities. 

Hattie Larlham; Rehabilitation Services For Developmentally Disabled

Year: 2013 | State: OH


Project Details: Donation for Hattie Larlham. Hattie Larlham is a nonprofit organization that provides care to 1,500 children and adults with developmental disabilities. 

Aid Pregnant Women - Sisters of Life

Year:2015 | State: NY


Project Details: Aid pregnant women in need of practical assistance.

Hattie Larlham; Rehabilitation Services For Developmentally Disabled

Year: 2015 |State: OH


Project Details: Donation for Hattie Larlham. Hattie Larlham is a nonprofit organization that provides care to 1,500 children and adults with developmental disabilities. 

Rising Star Academy; Conductive Education For Children With Motor Disabilities

Year: 2015 | State: OH


Project Details: Donation. Rising Star Academy transforms the lives of children with motor disabilities using the extraordinary approach of conductive education

Hattie Larlham; Rehabilitation Services For Developmentally Disabled

Year: 2017|State: OH


Project Details: Donation for Hattie Larlham. Hattie Larlham is a nonprofit organization that provides care to 1,500 children and adults with developmental disabilities. 

Rising Star Academy; Conductive Education For Children With Motor Disabilities

Year: 2016 | State: OH


Project Details: Donation. Rising Star Academy transforms the lives of children with motor disabilities using the extraordinary approach of conductive education

Hattie Larlham; Rehabilitation Services For Developmentally Disabled

Year: 2016 |State: OH


Project Details: Donation for Hattie Larlham. Hattie Larlham is a nonprofit organization that provides care to 1,500 children and adults with developmental disabilities. 

Rising Star Academy; Conductive Education For Children With Motor Disabilities

Year: 2017 | State: OH


Project Details: Donation. Rising Star Academy transforms the lives of children with motor disabilities using the extraordinary approach of conductive education

Hattie Larlham; Rehabilitation Services For Developmentally Disabled

Year: 2017 |State: OH


Project Details: Donation for Hattie Larlham. Hattie Larlham is a nonprofit organization that provides care to 1,500 children and adults with developmental disabilities. 

Diocese of Victoria

Year: 2017 | TX


Project Details: Donation for aid and recovery efforts necessitated by the recent natural disaster Hurricane Harvey. 

Hearts 4 Guatemala

Year: 2020 | OH


Project Details: Donation to support Hearts 4 Guatemala to provide health services to a public school and it's community.  

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